Master of Science in Gerontology - Psychogeriatrics Track

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Comments about Master of Science in Gerontology - Psychogeriatrics Track - At the institution - Richmond - VA - Virginia

  • Course description
    The gerontology curriculum is a multidisciplinary program established in 1976 which offers the Master of Science degree. The program benefits from professional collaboration with departments throughout the university

    The 30-hour degree program includes 15 hours of courses in gerontological core, five hours in gerontological research, six hours in gerontology practice elective courses and four hours in a field placement.

    For students interested in seeking to work collaboratively to augment their studies, a variety of multidisciplinary electives beyond their required curriculum are also available. Students can customize their program of study with the addition concentration areas such as adult education, health care organization and planning, psychogeriartrics, public administration (specifically the Certificate in Public Management or Certificate in Nonprofit Management), social services, research, and wellness and chronic disease prevention.

    Psychogeriatrics track
    This area of concentration, developed jointly with the Department of Psychology, is designed for students interested in working with those older adults and their families who are experiencing psychological difficulty. Students electing this track will be prepared to provide assistance directly to the elderly and their families as well as to consult and train professionals and paraprofessionals to provide more effective mental health services. Training is provided through a combination of specialized didactic instruction and structured field experience in providing direct services, consultation and education.


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