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Comments about Master of Science in Gerontology - Part-time - Westminster - MD - Maryland
* Prepare, support, and enhance the students’ ability to work with a diverse population of older adults.
* Provide opportunities for students to develop an area of expertise which will prepare them for professional positions focused on improving the quality of life for older adults.
* Provide an interdisciplinary approach to studying gerontology so that students are better prepared in their approach to geriatric care.
* Prepare students to assume leadership role in the public and private sector.
Course description
The Master of Science degree in Gerontology requires completion of 36 semester hours (12 credit hours in core courses, a 3-credit independent learning component, 15 credit hours in electives, and a 6-credit hour Thesis or extended Capstone Project). Note that the internship must be chosen to fulfill the independent learning requirement if the student does not have experience working with an older population. However, students with significant documented and verifiable experience working with an older population can request that this experience be reviewed and credit earned for life experience.
Additionally, upon completion of required course work, students are required to complete a written comprehensive examination to illustrate mastery of the material.