Part-Time M.B.A.

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Comments about Part-Time M.B.A. - At the institution - Rochester - NY - New York

  • Course description

    Your decision to pursue an M.B.A. marks one of the most important steps along the path of your business career. More importantly, where you obtain your degree lays the groundwork for the type of skills you will master and the caliber of professional relationships you will forge.

    The Simon Difference
    • “Right” Size. Simon prides itself in being one of the smallest among the top tier of M.B.A. programs, with an average enrollment of 165 students annually, and intentionally small core and elective classes. This facilitates a highly interactive learning process with fellow classmates and professors.
    • Diversity . International students comprise more than 40% of each entering class (over 20 countries represented) and over 15% of our domestic students are underrepresented U.S. minorities, making us one of the most culturally diverse among leading business schools. This dramatically impacts how you will learn to lead within the global marketplace.
    • Economics-Based Approach and Cross-Functional Curriculum . The common language of economics allows students to share ideas and solve problems based on mutually understood methods. You will learn that organizational problems cross all areas of the organization and begin to view these issues from numerous vantage points.
    • Leadership Development. We work closely with our students to gauge and then develop their individual leadership capabilities. Simon graduates are highly sought after by corporate recruiters and distinguished by their capacity to effect change—within Fortune 500 firms or through the successful establishment of entrepreneurial ventures.

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