Study mode:
At the institution
Berkeley College’s degree programs in Accounting combine accounting theory and practice with a broad background in business administration and the liberal arts, creating many opportunities for students. Benefit From: * Examining financial, managerial,...
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Study mode:
At the institution
The Berkeley College General Business degree
program broadens business knowledge within the context of personal and
career objectives. This flexible program encourages students to study
in a variety of areas related to specific employment opportunities.
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Health Services
Study mode:
At the institution
Berkeley College’s programs in Health Services familiarize students with the expanding health services industry and provide them with the important business and technology skills required to succeed in this increasingly complex business. Curricula, grounded...
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Health Services
Study mode:
At the institution
* Curricula that focus on the structure and dynamics of the healthcare industry
* Exploration of the role and contributions of hospitals, rehabilitation centers, long-term care facilities, and practitioners
* Opportunities to explore interactions...
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Information Systems
Study mode:
At the institution
The Berkeley College Information Systems Management programs help
students develop an understanding of how successful businesses have
streamlined their systems so that vast amounts of information are
exchanged more efficiently than ever. The academic Certificate...
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International Business
Study mode:
At the institution
Berkeley College’s programs in International Business provide students with the knowledge and understanding required to deal effectively with the complexities of contemporary global business environments, both multinational and multicultural. Benefit From:...
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Study mode:
At the institution
Every product and service requires people who know how to spot potential buyers and motivate them to make a purchase decision. Students who enjoy that kind of challenge will find the Berkeley College Marketing degree programs very rewarding. Benefit From:...
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Study mode:
At the institution
Paralegals are qualified to perform law-related work under the supervision of a lawyer: analyze legal issues; investigate and evaluate facts; prepare pleadings, contracts, forms, legal memoranda, and other documents; interview clients; assist in case management;...
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Visual Merchandising
Study mode:
At the institution
Berkeley College’s degree programs in Fashion Marketing and Management integrate the creative and business aspects of the fashion industry that employers demand. Incorporating marketing strategies and management skills, the programs encompass current technology...
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