Business Administration
Study mode:
At the institution
The Berkeley College Business Administration degree program strategically balances academic preparation, professional training, and hands-on experience. Benefit From: * Flexible curriculum allowing exploration of several business disciplines * Ideal...
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Study mode:
At the institution
Students who dream of running their own business or who plan to take over a family business can benefit from Berkeley College’s Management degree program with a concentration in Entrepreneurship. It provides invaluable insights into how others have spotted...
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Environmental Administration
Study mode:
At the institution
Companies recognize the impact of their business practices on the environment and are taking more and more steps to address sustainability in areas such as manufacturing processes and materials, transportation, building operations and energy usage, food service,...
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Study mode:
At the institution
Berkeley College’s degree programs in Fashion Marketing and Management integrate the creative and business aspects of the fashion industry that employers demand. Incorporating marketing strategies and management skills, the programs encompass current technology...
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Human Resource Management
Study mode:
At the institution
Hiring the right people and effectively managing them is essential to the success of every major business and organization. Berkeley College’s Management program with a concentration in Human Resources gives students a clear understanding of strategies for attracting,...
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